How to Resize Jdialog After Increasing Size Inside Content Comppnments Java

I now found that it can be done as follows:

          JDialog dialog = new JDialog(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Test"); dialog.add(label);  // pack(), setSize(), validate() in this order will // set sizes on all components as wished dialog.pack(); dialog.setSize(800, 600); dialog.validate();  System.out.println(label.getSize());                  

Also here the output is "[width=784,height=562]" but the dialog is not yet visible. The important part is the combination of pack(), setSize(desiredSize) and validate() in this order. The pack() probably determines a new size of the dialog (preferred sizes of all components), that's why here the size has to be set afterwards and the validate() is responsible for the resizing of the components. Probably setVisible(true) which arrives at the same sizes is doing internally something similar.

It seems a bit of a waste to resize the components several times but without pack() also setSize() and validate() do not have any effect.

I guess the other answers were based on some misunderstanding because they implicitly always assumed that you want to have the preferred size, but there are cases, e.g. if the user resizes the dialog or if the dialogs size is fixed from the beginning where you cannot attain the preferred size and some components just have to fill the available space.

That was the layout problem here, having a given global size of the dialog and determining the size of the components as they fill the available space. LayoutManagers solve this problem quite nicely, however usually only after setVisible(true).

I tested a bit more:

                      // new dialog     JDialog dialog = new JDialog();      // new label, prints messages if resized or painted     JLabel label = new JLabel("Test") {         @Override         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {             super.paintComponent(g);             System.out.println("Component painted.");         }     };     label.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {         @Override         public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {             System.out.println("Resized: " + e.getComponent().getSize());         }     });     dialog.add(label);             System.out.println("Size after new JLabel: " + label.getSize());      // pack dialog - necessary for setSize/validate to work     dialog.pack();     System.out.println("Size after pack: " + label.getSize());                      // set a size and validate changes sizes     dialog.setSize(800, 600);     dialog.validate();     System.out.println("Size after setSize and validate: " + label.getSize());              // set visible would have also done the trick     dialog.setVisible(true);     System.out.println("Size after setVisible(true): " + label.getSize());      // and another resizing (no validation neccessary)     dialog.setSize(300, 200);      // dispose     dialog.dispose();                  

And the output is

  • Size after new JLabel:java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0]
  • Size after pack: java.awt.Dimension[width=116,height=16]
  • Size after setSize and validate: java.awt.Dimension[width=784,height=562]
  • Size after setVisible(true): java.awt.Dimension[width=784,height=562]
  • Resized: java.awt.Dimension[width=284,height=162]
  • Resized: java.awt.Dimension[width=284,height=162]
  • Component painted.

I learned more about the inner workings of Swing:

  • ComponentResized events are not fired before setVisible(true) even if components are resized (their size changes)
  • ComponentResized events even with the same size can be fired several times in a row
  • Components might not be painted in between resizing if they follow each other fast enough
  • The first painting is in any case after setVisible(true) and the component will have the desired size (preferred size or defined by other constraints as here) by then.
  • If for some reason you must know the size of the components before the first drawing, do it with pack(), setSize(), validate()

I tested some more, also with maximized frames and now can combine all the results into: The first painComponent() is always with the right size and the related componentResized() event always follows afterwards, sometimes two times.However the LayoutManager must know before, otherwise the examples would not be drawn correctly. So in case one draws the background by itself, either read out the right size in every paintComponent or implement a custom layout manager or wait for the resized event and invoke repaint, so the component is drawn two times but it should work. Apllications include cases where the number of components to show depend on the size (as in my geographical map application).

Just to complete the picture I think the flow goes like this in case a user maximized or resized a frame/dialog:

  • frame/dialog.setSize()
  • LayoutManager.layoutContainer(frame/dialog) using the actual size
  • frame/dialog paint() using the layouted sizes
  • Resized() events fired for all components etc.

And pack() probably just calls setSize(layout.preferredLayoutSize()) as the first step.

So in case depending on the size you have to add or remove components for example, it could be a good idea to override setSize() and listen there for changes. I initially was listening for Resized() events but they arrive too late for the first drawing.

How to Resize Jdialog After Increasing Size Inside Content Comppnments Java


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